
The Problem

CarillionAmey faced a significant challenge with their outdated HR management system, which was written in VB6 and had become unmaintainable over time. The HR department was struggling to keep up with the demands of the growing business, and the outdated technology was unable to support their evolving needs. In order to stay competitive and meet the changing business requirements, CarillionAmey needed a new HR system that would be written in a modern language, such as C# .NET 4.7, and that would provide a more robust and flexible solution. The implementation of a new HR system was seen as a crucial step towards streamlining the employment process and improving overall HR efficiency within the organization.

The Solution

As a service provider to CarillionAmey, I was tasked with developing and managing a number of their internal systems. One of my key projects was the creation of "Employee Manager".

"Employee Manager" was an HR system that allowed the HR department to manage every aspect of the employment process, from requesting authorisation to recruit from management, to sending job specs to recruiters, to managing applicants, interviews and new starters. The system also provided the HR department & staff with the ability to request amendments to employees contracts including holiday time, salaries. Finally, the system streamlined the end of employment, including the exit interview process and automatically re-advertising vacant positions.

Other work

In addition to the HR system, I also worked on the MoD housing systems that CarillionAmey developed and managed. I developed a void management system that ensured military properties were properly inspected and managed when unoccupied to ensure they were in the best possible condition when needed.